Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How many movies can they NOT make.

Yes. Every right to every video game out there is being bought. They throw these movies into pre production and then they sit in limbo for years and rumors start and then our gamer hopes fade as these movies never come to fruition. Another one announced for Bathesda's Oblivion http://www.gamespot.com/news/6275492.html?tag=result%3Btitle%3B0 Halo. Mass Effect. Oblivion. What avid gamer hasn't thought of themselves somewhere in a movie cutting everyone down and helping save the day. But due to horrible casting, no Matthew Fox as Commander Shepard that's just insulting, and horrible rewrites of gameplay scripts, why don't you just hire the writers from the games, we have been disappointed again and again. So I send out a rally cry to all you gamers out there to tell them what we want and that we want it well done. Just because it has a big budget doesn't mean that it's good.
I found that I was suprised at the large number of guy gamers that came up to me at PAX and said "You look just like my Shepard in the game." It looks like there are a fair amount of male gamers out there who don't choose to play the white male default Shepard. There is something about Jennifer Hale's voice acting combined with the male default movements on a FemShep that make her so appealing to many. And she doesn't look like the typical big boobed cosplay female either. Men love a strong female lead in games as well. You hear that studios? Get on the bus. And stop trying to think you know what gamers want when you don't actually even play the games.
Give us another Ellen Ripley, Buffy, Xena or someone that we want to watch on screen. And quit putting all our movie into some production limbo. We will all grow old and give up before it seems that you will get done. Strike while the iron is hot. And some good girl on girl action wouldn't be opposed either.

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