Brilliant Costumers

Holly Conrad and Crew
Listen. There is someone out there who deserves a lot of recognition for being an amazingly talented and quite fr ankly a quite funny and smart person. There are very few times in our lives that we will run into someone that has the raw talent and drive to do the things that we only wish we could and pursue their dreams like we want to. I found a kindred spirit (who is on her journey to the Mass Effect movie as well)with Holly Conrad. She wants to make her way to the set, just like I do, of Mass Effect but doing a different job than I. She wants to work on the costuming and possibly animatronics for the movie. I think that being a part of the crew is as, if not more, important than being in front of the camera. For if it weren’t for those that surround us, we as actors would be naked babbling idiots with no direction on where to go what to say or how to dress. That actually might be a funny movie.

So in my pursuit of finding those that could help me achieve my dream I stumbled upon a web site that had Holly making a Commander Shepard costume. I said to myself…”Wow. I wish I could give that a go. Sure why not!” hehe We will see how that works out. After investigation I came to the conclusion that we could help each other out on our quest and so i contacted her to share this mutual interest. If I get there I will make sure that I do everything I can to make sure that she does too. I have to have someone to talk to as we sit in Afterlife and she hits on Garrus and I ogle the Asari dancers. So here s my shout out. My attempt to help a fellow traveler on the way to her dream.

Here is herComiCon documentary bid with animatronic Krogan:

Which by the way made Top Tweet on Twitter in two days and got on Kotaku’s front page.

The almost finished Commander Shepard Mass Effect 2 armor:

Rock it this is so wicked I can’t say…

And a great interview with two very funny geeky guys Conor and Luke from The Wireless Express Show. They do a great convo about CGI vs animatronics (episode 16):

She also has a blog about it at

So here is to all of you that have a dream that you are chasing. Cheers to you and don’t give up. If you don’t try you will never know if you could have succeeded. And to those of you that haven’t started yet…what are you waiting for? Who do you want to be? All you need is the passion and the drive and hopefully the winds of fate at your back and you would be surprised what will happen.

I want to save the universe. Someday I will. Thankfully I’ll have a great costumer like Holly to make sure that I’m not naked when I do it.