Saturday, September 4, 2010

Welcome All

For those of you just joining the Mass Effect Me bandwagon I'm going to give you the rundown on who I am and what this is all about. I am an actress and an avid gamer. I've been gaming forever and acting just as long. This whole web site/ Facebook page/ Twitter account is dedicated to try and get the attention of Bioware and Legendary Pictures to try and get support to get me cast in a part in the upcoming Mass Effect movie. With your help and assistance I know that we can make this dream come true. What's better than a rabid fan of the game actually being able to be in a movie about it. I know you all don't want to see people get cast that don't even know who Commander Shepard is or could care less about headshotting Geth with sniper rifles. So get on board and lets let everyone know what is going on. The more pople we can get, the bigger it will become and then someone will take notice. BTW I am good at what I do. Be that pwning people in game or reporting to Captain Anderson of the Alliance on film. thanks all and don't forget to hop over to Facebook and like the page there. This party is just getting started and it's going to be exciting.

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