People You Need To Know

Gamefret: The Greatest Online Gamer Community, Ever
I was led to a new and exciting gamer networking site. I have to say that I like what I have seen. Four guys Scott, Brad Nick and Noah, have come together to give us a great place to network and talk about games. I like the format, there are no in your face ads and the user interface is simple and fun to use. To quote: “Together we can build a better world for gamers.” That sounds like the best idea to me.

The game collections are a hoot to view and the micro-reviews of the games are short and sweet which can get the creative juices going in trying to write one yourself. There is a super fast response time to questions and you see the passion for the industry in the design and layout. Most networking sites have been around so long that after a while you get tired of using them and this offers us a fresh perpecive on how to talk to your friends and find out about all the new things coming our way. The chat options make talking to others wicked fun.

They have up to date news, comics, blogs and forums for everyone. I think it’s time for a change and these guys have given us a site that is fun to hang out in and chat with others about being a gamer. Give it a look (and a chance) and you won’t be disappointed. These guys are the best buch of brilliant blokes that you will ever meet.

Now click to get going!

Radio Shows and Podcasts You Don't Want To Miss
I have recently come upon three quite amazing radio shows/podcasts The Wireless Express Show, the Gamefret Podcast (joined with the guys from Wireless Express), and UFOnaut radio. They encompass the gambit for me. From high level government cover-ups and conspiracy theories to the latest in tech, gaming and movies. All these guys are brilliant so give them a listen, and if you don’t like them then you just have bad taste!

THE WIRELESS EXPRESS SHOW: “Snobbery free, fairly informative podcast about movies and pop culture. Conor and Luke realized they had a lot t hey wanted to say about movies and popular culture, and felt they could be mildly informative while they were at it. Then this happened.”

These two have more opinions and knowledge locked into their brains than any two people should have. They manage to encompass the old school to the new and improved. Their discussions ranges all over the place and include gaming, costume making, movies, TV and on and on. Who can’t be impressed when someone mentions Twin Peaks and THX 1138 in the same show! Now they are hooking up with the guys from Gamefret and getting them going with their podcasts. If you haven’t yet…Go Now! You are behind they already have 20 up.

GAMEFRET PODCAST:”Our maiden voyage touches on E3, Microsoft Kinect, the Nintendo 3DS, and why we built it, why Roger Ebert is a huge d-bag, and we also talk about why most video gamers don’t finish most of their game titles.”

Gamefret started as a social networking site for gamers. They review the latest (and greatest) news and games and have deve loped a very unique and engaging way for people to hold chats with one another. Just recently they were introduced to the guys from overat The Wireless Express Show and lets just say they hit it off. Together they managed to get Gamefret’s podcast up and running. the name of their first show is Roger Ebert is a Douchebag. Seriously who doesn’t want to listen to that hilarity. It think that as time goes on the shows are only going to get better (I mean they are going to have me on at some point so what’s better than that?). They know their stuff and are a hoot to listen to. Give ‘em a go and check it out: You won’t regret it.

UFOnaut RADIO: “Here you will find interviews featuring the leaders in the fields of Ufology and Exopolitics.”

Jesse Randolph has been the host for 3 years and recently moved to the Portland, OR radio station KPAM 860 AM. So here you go…conspiracy theories, UFOs, alien abduction, 2012, the end of the world, physics, remote viewers, and so much more. This is X-Files/Fringe stuff to the Nth degree. Fascinating, engaging and some of it just makes you want to wall up your windows and buy a shotgun. If you don’t start listening now you may not be prepared when the world ends and something comes to get you…